Thursday, October 16, 2008


Last week at VCC was "SOS - Summer of Service" where over 800 high school kids from 10 different states came to Cincinnati to learn how to serve others in the name of Christ. Think about that. 5 days, 800 kids with open hearts going out and just serving others to let people know God loves them.

I think the final tally was over
60,0000 people were served in those 5 days. But my mind has been on just one.

I don't know her name, I'll probably never see her again, but as I was standing with a group of SOS kids handing out water at an intersection and this girl, who I've dubbed "Juliette" (because she resembled Juliette Lewis a bit) walked by us and I asked her if she'd like some free water, no strings attached. This girl, probably 15-16 years old was a bombshell, very attractive, the kind of girl that made some guys walking into a nearby UDF stop and do a "double take".

She asked me what we were doing and why and I just told her, "We just wanted to show you God loves you in a practical way." She responded "Really?" And I was expecting her to say, "That's really nice" or "Which church are you from?", but instead she responded, "Really? God loves me? Seriously?"

I was stunned. Shocked. In eight years of Outreach I'd never heard anyone say that. So I just said, "Absolutely...always." And she smiled and said, "That's cool...thanks!"

And then she walked away. Smiling.

I'm scared for Juliette (or whatever her name is) because I know that she could go several ways in life and I really want her to end up with Christ. But chances are good she won't. So here's what I've been doing, I've been praying and I'll continue to pray like crazy for "Juliette". I've done it all week and it's been a great learning exercise. Because a lot of times we "pray" and it's only in the emergency times of life that we really cut through the fluff and say, "Hey God, I really, really need You...please!"

Like when the test results come back and the doctor says you need to "come in and discuss the options". Or when you're not sure how next month's bills will get paid. Or when my step-brother Ryan was serving in Iraq, my step-mom Ginny was praying like a warrior everyday for him and his unit until he came back (and he is back safe and sound).

That's honest, soul cleansing, no facade prayer...and I truly believe God honors that and teaches us through that gut-level style of praying.

So, some of us are better at prayer than others, and that's ok. Myself, I'm not so great at it, so here's what I'm doing and suggest to you as well. First, read Psalms.

Really read Psalms.

You want to hear prayers of praise, prayers of desperation, prayers that are soul deep? Read Psalms. Just pick some and read them out loud and hear the honesty and the power in them. And secondly, pick something that you want to audaciously, passionately and feverishly want to pray for. Write it down...pray it out it to a friend...whatever. Just be bold in prayer for a week.

For some of you, this will be easy, for others it will be a real step of faith. But I believe God not only answers prayers, but teaches us through prayer when we're honest, open and focused on His word and His ways.

Because I want God to come down on "Juliette" like a Texas flood, just pound on her heart with His thundering heart to show her His love, grace and mercy and spin her world 180° so she can see what she's worth to Him, rein down on her with His kindness and let her see Him work in her life.

And I want the same for you, too.

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