Monday, August 24, 2009


Ever wanted to learn a second language? I bet most of you have. And even though I took Spanish in high school, most of what I learned has evaporated to the four winds over the years (sorry Ms. Hein, I know you did your best).

But being on a Hispanic Outreach every Saturday, well, it kind of helps to know the language, you know? So that’s why a couple of us on the team are taking a Spanish class over the next six weeks.

And what’s funny is when we first talked about signing up we were all excited and said how much fun it would be. Now, when we get to class I feel a little bit like I’m back in high school and hope I don’t mess up my pronunciation, forget an important word within the phrase and hope I can just kind of “get it”. Although I am pleased to report that we all know the most important phrase of all, “Donde esta el baƱo?”.

And while going through the class and having Dr. Bonilla (oh, did I mention we’re being taught by a former NASA engineer?) it’s interesting how he patiently walks us through Keeps telling us to take it slow, not go too fast. Not do too much. Just keep at it, keep practicing and even if we only learn five phrases by the end of the class, that’s five more than we knew before.

Something I’m taking away from the class other than learning a foreign tongue is it strikes me that God works much the same way. He has his own language and whenever we start our relationship with Him some of it, maybe all of it, is hard for us to comprehend. It’s completely new, maybe even strange.

Because He may speak more differently than any other language you’ve heard before. Some of you may only have felt real love and encouragement from one of your parents, but not both. While others have never had a real loving, nurturing relationship in your life. Some have a past that leaves you with guilt and regret. While others have been rejected again and again. And that’s where it becomes strange, because the language of God says you’re loved more than you can imagine, forgiven of every single thing you’ve done wrong and are cherished more than any of His other creations.

Wow, even as a veteran follower of Christ, it’s still hard to comprehend how deep and vast God’s love is for me. For you. For every person we come in contact with. After all, it’s a language like no other. The language of God – Love. Grace. Healing. Mercy. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Joy. And on and on. In that we can all rejoice.

But as with any language, you need to not just comprehend it, but to speak it as well. Practice speaking it to yourself first. Then friends and family. Then to others. After awhile you get better and better and more fluent.

And with God’s love language, it’s no different. Speak to yourself first with love, grace and mercy. Then to friends and family. Encourage them through their struggles and pain. Forgive them for being human and making mistakes. Accept those who are different than you (that one’s tough, I know, but we have to do it). And then speak it to a total stranger.

So here’s my challenge for you this week, actually it’s two. Jot down the phrases, thoughts or ideas God is speaking into your life right now. Is it trust? Faith? Forgiveness? Grace? Patience? Whether it’s through nudges, the Holy Spirit speaking to you or circumstances, try to recognize them and then spend a little time hearing what He’s telling you.

Secondly, put His love language in action in a couple people in your life. Your spouse. A co-worker. A client. A neighbor. Someone who simply needs something positive to happen in their life. Doesn’t have to be rocket science, just practical and honest.

And keep at it until you become more and more fluent in the greatest language of all – the language of God.